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Monday, May 3, 2010

Funny Laws of the World: Texas USA

Have you ever been to Texas? If you haven’t, you should at least visit it once in a lifetime. Notoriously known for its action packed old Wild West stories and histories, blessed with jaw breaking outdoors and vibrant cultural life, Texas is an experience of a lifetime. When it comes to sights and activities, no other destinations offer as much as Texas.

Besides all the sights and activities, Texas unfortunately is also the home to some of the most hilarious, wackiest and dumbest laws in the world. So if you are visiting Texas, be careful! We dont want you to mess with any of these hilarious laws.

1. Are you a beer lover? Well unless you want to be caged for a month or two, don’t take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

2. Are you broke? Are you planning to sell some of your stuffs? You can sell anything except your eyes because it’s illegal here in Texas.

3. Are you a train driver, a pilot or whatever, be careful while passing through Texas as the law states that if two train meet each other at a railroad crossing, both the train should stop their engine and should not move unless the other train moves.

4. In Texas, the entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned because it contains a formula for making beer at home.

5. Never shot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. You know why? Because it’s illegal in Texas!

6. The wackiest of all is, in Dallas It’s illegal to have realistic dildos.

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