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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Enjoy a Hassle-Free Vacation in a Foreign Country

Do you love to travel? Then am sure going to places you have never been to, experiencing diverse culture, savoring different cuisine and meeting people from across the globe, must excites you.. Well traveling is very safe, compared to some years back. BE it Asia, Africa, Middle East or anywhere else it’s very safe. Unless the country you are visiting is in the middle of a war.

Though traveling is safe, one needs to be always on alert. We should always follow some tips and tricks to avoid those travel pitfalls. If you are planning to travel to a country you have never been to, here are some tips that will help you enjoy a hassle free vacation:

• The most important of all is; do a research of that destination you will be visiting, in advance. Spend some time surfing the net, check out the endless of online travel sites; visit the country official tourist site. Collect information about the current political situation, best time to visit, tips on accommodations, things and places to avoid, medical related tips, your embassy phone number, emergency numbers and so on.

• Knowing the local customs and traditions is very important, especially while traveling to Middle-East, Africa and some parts of Asia. This includes like how you should dress, especially for ladies, public display of affection (PDA), hand gesture and so on.

• No matter, where you are heading, always try your best to dress like the locals. Leave all your blings at home, try to avoid white sneakers, especially white, and fanny pack. Don’t show off that ultra-chic digital camera or any electronic gadgets like cell phones, iPods in the public.

• As any wise traveler would do, do not keep all your important documents like credit cards, cash, ID cards, and passport in the same place. Get at least three photocopy all your important documents. Never give your passport to the hotel clerks, but in some countries like Italy, you need to surrender your passport to the hotel clerk. In this case, while submitting demand the hotel to issue some sort of written proof that the passport is with the hotel.

• Always carry your bags, handbags or suitcase on the side of the body not facing the traffic. Always be on alert while using public transportations like bus or trains. Avoid places which are not well-lighted. Never exchange your currency with illegal agents.

You need not worry about a thing, even if you are traveling to a complete foreign country. All you have to do is plan wisely and follow common pre-cautions. Head out to the streets of the world, explore and experience the world, life loves to be ridden to the fullest.

Source: Click Here

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